A cry from decades.that's not yet heard

"Our deepest respect for the land and it's harvest is the legacy of generation of farmers who put food on our tables,preserved our landscape and inspired us with a powerful work ethic

                    For a country that is capable of producing three crops in a year,ceaseless case of farmer suicides are an ignominious fact.The statics of death so high that there is nothing personal or moving left in them.
The death count of a disaster raise more sympathy than the suicides of Indian farmers it has become more of factor to lash the ruling

Indian agriculture is in a crisis.In these charged times it has become fashionable to ascribe political reasons to everything and yet farmers across the country are not agitated for political reasons but for humiliation.As India talks of marching forward ,our kisan is being left behind

              The crisis in Indian agriculture is an ongoing crisis and not a new one and yet after decades of bad polices,we are now reaching a breaking point.considering that half our country lives off the agriculture economy either directly or indirect,the comparable figure in most advanced countries is a single figure percentage.around half the country engaging in sector that produces around 16% of our GDP not sustainable.
                   An influential segment opinion inside & outside the government  believes the solution to accelerate the pace of GDP growth.the planning commission's approach 4th plan's firmly rooted in this belief

His speech is of mortgaged bedding
on his kine,
At his heart his daughter's wedding
in the eye fore;
knowledged of debt he eats and hath
He toils and may not stop;
His life is a long dawn question
between crop to crop.

 The cry of farmers:
1.Fragmented land holdings:-
                                        As most of the farmers in India are small and economically infeasible nearly 80% of 140 million farming families hold less than 2 acres of land.So as land holdings are small,more people invariably work on the farms in rural areas and coupled with the obsolete technology,farm incomes goes down with less incurring loss

2.Inadequate irrigation facilities:-
                                       Most of the farming in India is monsoon dependent if the monsoons are good,The entire economy is upbeat and when monsoon fails,everyone everywhere takes a hit to some extent.The problem here is of proper management of water which we lack in.Irrigation which consumes more than 80% of the total water used in the country needs a proper overhaul if the country has to improve agricultural output and boosting the economy

3.Exploitation of farmers by middle-men
                                      Exploitation by the middle men is the reason put forth for not getting best price for the produce of agriculture

4.Cropping pattern:-
                                     The crops grown in India are categorized into two broad categories
that is food crops and non food crops.While the former comprise food grains,sugarcane and other beverages.The latter includes different kinds of fibers and oilseeds. In India in recent years there has been drastic fall in the output of non food articles

5.Land tenure:-
                                     The land tenure system of India is also far from perfect.In the pre-independence period,most tenants suffered from insecurity of tenancy as they could be evicted any time.However,various measures have been taken after independence to provide security of tenancy

                                    Seeds are the critical and basic input to get the maximum output and sustained growth in agriculture production.Distribution of certified seeds is as critical as production of such seeds.unfortunately good seeds are out of reach for many of the farmers

7.Practicing traditional methods:-
                                     Inspite  of mechanisation in recent years in the field of agriculture in few parts of the country,most of the work is carried out by hiring labors who still use sickle and plough

8.Soil erosion:-
                                      Large tacts of fertile land suffers from soil erosion by wind and water.This area must be properly treated and restore its original fertility

                                     Agricultural marketing still continues to be in a bad shape in rural areas of the country.In the absence of sound marketing facility the farmer has to rely on traders or middle men for the clearance of their produce which is usually sold at thrown away price




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