know what the heck you eat

So,this is what you see on your table ?
    Have you ever wondered what's behind the meat you consume??

Looks yummieee right.....How many of you had chicken,beef or bacon today?

I guess most of the people going through this blog wouldn't know the term "Factory farming"
                              Well, To be honest factory farming is hell for animals..maybe even worse as these animals are seen as things and are crammed by thousands into filthy,windowless sheds and stuffed into wired cages,metal crates and many other tortuous devices they are never allowed to do anything on their own. Not just few animals almost 95% out of 10 billion animals are tortured without any mercy and killed are only farm animals.
                             As,mentioned these animals are'nt observed as nature's creation they are viewed just in the perspective of profit because this is business and the main aim of any business is to gain more and more profit. Animals here are diseased,cant withstand their own weight or cannot reproduce naturally.

There're a lots and lots of animals that belong to this so called industrial farming

                 These creatures are very social and often like to scratch for food,taking dusk bath an roosting in trees.These lovely creatures are stuffed into a cage, Half of the beaks are cut off so that the filthy owner of the farm can feed the chicken whenever he feels like and the heartbreaking thing is that they even can't get up on their feet,they can't reproduce naturally the overcrowding of animals can make pathogens to spread around easily.Farmers don't even care about the spread of diseases as they get the share of profit. Males are tied in a polythene bag and are let to suffocate to death in most of the cases they are crushed. Many remain conscious when they're plunged into hot water for 

 I guess there's nothing to explain once you clearly observe the picture below.
                     Cows in several countries are given a lot of importance,So coming to the case of cows they are put in pens(similar to a cage). When a farmer want's to slaughter it they just slit the throat,some beat this innocent animal to death. Males face the same consequences they are thrown away or put into drain.Most of the cows in factory farming are genetically modified to grow larger and produce more milk than they usually would they suffer from dehydration as they cannot walk to reach food and water. When completely grown their bodies are worn out from producing milk 
Female's are artificially inseminated in unsafe conditions which leads to mastits which is a bacterial  infection in the udder...wouldn't injecting a female cow with the semen of a male against her will,won't it be considered as rape?

                     Called as the highly intelligent animal also as an adorable one's spend most of their lives in those tiny gestation which are too miserable they do get their ears clipped,tails clipped,piglets are torn away from their distraught mother and tooth ends are snipped off males are castrated without treating by painkillers.Females are inseminated artificially they never get a body wash though many die out of diseases.Pigs will have to stay in this overcrowded place until they are 250 pounds which takes about 6 months,after which they are called hogs and are ready for slaughter house. Because of improper stunning,many pigs will still be alive and conscious when they are thrown into scalding tank to soften the skin and to remove the hair on their body

Antibiotics have saved number of lives and their discovery ranks with great medical achievement  of history as even Alexander Fleming the man behind the discovery of penicillin warned that overdose of the drug would lead to bacterial resistance..
Physiologically, human body is 100%herbivorous and possesses  no carnivorous instinct as animal protein is too acidic for our body and it can't be processed properly,Thus leading to numerous disease. when you drink cow's milk,you are consuming pus,deadly pathogens,hormones that can result in tumor growth. 

I implore you to watch the video below to get a clear glimpse on what's going on. There are a lots and lots of literature out there that reveals the disgusted nature of these farms. 


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