A cry from decades.that's not yet heard
" O ur deepest respect for the land and it's harvest is the legacy of generation of farmers who put food on our tables,preserved our landscape and inspired us with a powerful work ethic " For a country that is capable of producing three crops in a year,ceaseless case of farmer suicides are an ignominious fact.The statics of death so high that there is nothing personal or moving left in them. The death count of a disaster raise more sympathy than the suicides of Indian farmers it has become more of factor to lash the ruling Indian agriculture is in a crisis.In these charged times it has become fashionable to ascribe political reasons to everything and yet farmers across the country are not agitated for political reasons but for humiliation.As India talks of marching forward ,our kisan is being left behind The crisis in Indian agriculture is an ongoing crisis and not a new one and yet after decades of bad polices,we are no